Rabbi Yonatan Dahlen


Rabbi Yonatan Dahlen grew up on the prairies of northern Iowa, fell in love with Jewish thought and philosophy in college on the plains of South Dakota, and deepened his commitment to text, tradition, ritual and history at Brandeis University and at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City (with a couple of years in Italy and Israel along the way). 

Advocating for a Judaism filled with emotional honesty, communal and individual introspection and meaning, and judgement-free wrestling with text and tradition, Rabbi Dahlen sees his spiritual leadership as a sacred responsibility to bring holiness into everyday life.

His passion for that mission is expressed throughout the Shaarey Zedek family as well as throughout Metro Detroit. Whether it be on the bimah, in the classroom, the local hospitals and assisted living facilities, or any number of coffee shops and start-ups around the city, Rabbi Dahlen is firmly committed to bringing the beauty of Jewish life and learning to anyone, no matter where they are on their Jewish journey.

Rabbi Dahlen is the liaison to Rimonim (adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s), the Green Team, the Social Action Committee, the Inclusion Committee and Alternative Minyanim.

Ready to take the next step (or maybe the first step) in your Jewish journey? Shoot Rabbi Dahlen an e-mail, text, or phone call today – the first cup of coffee is on him!