The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel, [...]
Introducing…. Village Tots- CSZ’s Baby and Me class for our youngest learners. Join Morah Lindsay Mall on Sunday mornings 11/19 and 12/17 at 10am for [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
Tuesday afternoon classes are offered for Grades 3 – 7. These weekly classes are in-person and will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. beginning with a kosher [...]
An introductory class to Jewish life, learning, ritual, and thought for those interested in joining the Jewish people or just learning more about their tradition. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, Board of Trustees and lay leaders welcome you to a soulful, spiritual, and musical Rosh Hashanah 5785 service including the CSZ Choir. [...]
CSZ Tweens and Teens, join Youth Advisor Annie Klinger during the High Holidays for hands-on learning, community building, and leadership opportunities. We’ll be working with [...]
The CSZ Clergy, Board of Trustees and lay leaders welcome you to a soulful, spiritual, and musical Rosh Hashanah 5785 service including the CSZ Choir. [...]
Congregation Shaarey Zedek invites all new babies, parents and grandparents to participate in this wonderful event! The Ceremony will take place on Friday, October 4, 2024 [...]
CSZ Tweens and Teens, join Youth Advisor Annie Klinger during the High Holidays for hands-on learning, community building, and leadership opportunities. We’ll be working with [...]
Join Rabbi Aaron Starr, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen and Ritual Director Saul Rube in the CSZ Beit Midrash for refreshments and a relaxed discussion before the Shabbat morning service begins. [...]
Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service. [...]
Immediately following Shabbat lunch please gather in the Bernstein Chapel for a quick Minchah service including Torah reading. Helping to join the minyan will ensure [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
Jim Berk hosts participants in person at CSZ for gentle stretching and exercises. Cost: $5.00 per person per session, payable directly to Jim Berk at [...]
An introductory class to Jewish life, learning, ritual, and thought for those interested in joining the Jewish people or just learning more about their tradition. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
The CSZ Clergy, Board of Trustees and lay leaders welcome you to a soulful, spiritual, and musical Kol Nidrei 5785 service including the CSZ Choir. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, Board of Trustees and lay leaders welcome you to a soulful, spiritual, and musical Yom Kippur 5784 service including the CSZ Choir [...]
CSZ Tweens and Teens, join Youth Advisor Annie Klinger during the High Holidays for hands-on learning, community building, and leadership opportunities. We’ll be working with [...]
Join the CSZ Clergy in the Sanctuary or the Live Streaming for the concluding service of Yom Kippur, as we close the gates of our repentance with [...]
Join us on the William Saulson Pavilion for interactive and musical prayer with the PrayGround davening team, an opportunity for a family moment in front [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel, [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
Jim Berk hosts participants in person at CSZ for gentle stretching and exercises. Cost: $5.00 per person per session, payable directly to Jim Berk at [...]
Come “Give the Suk-a-Whole New Look!” Bring your dash and dazzle to decorate the Sukkah with Sisterhood. Ingredients: Strong spritz of Sisterhood spirit 2 cups [...]
Tuesday afternoon classes are offered for Grades 3 – 7. These weekly classes are in-person and will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. beginning with a kosher [...]
An introductory class to Jewish life, learning, ritual, and thought for those interested in joining the Jewish people or just learning more about their tradition. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
Rebecca and Rabbi Aaron Starr invite everyone to stroll together for lunch in the Starr family Sukkah following services. Please register so we have enough [...]
Join Rabbi Aaron Starr, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen and Ritual Director Saul Rube in the CSZ Beit Midrash for refreshments and a relaxed discussion before the Shabbat morning service begins. [...]
Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service. [...]
Immediately following Shabbat lunch please gather in the Bernstein Chapel for a quick Minchah service including Torah reading. Helping to join the minyan will ensure [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel, [...]
Introducing…. Village Tots- CSZ’s Baby and Me class for our youngest learners. Join Morah Lindsay Mall on Sunday mornings 11/19 and 12/17 at 10am for [...]
Always a fun time at the Propis Sukkah open house. Come visit and have a nosh. Address will be provided upon registration. Registration requested so [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
Jim Berk hosts participants in person at CSZ for gentle stretching and exercises. Cost: $5.00 per person per session, payable directly to Jim Berk at [...]
Dr. Rachel Fish, a “scholar warrior” expert against antisemitism and anti-zionism will speak to our congregation and our community on approaches to help fight Jew-hatred. [...]
Dr. Rachel Fish, a “scholar warrior” expert against antisemitism and anti-zionism will speak to our congregation and our community on approaches to help fight Jewish [...]
For Clergy and Educators. Resource links will be shared to help educators and religious leaders tailor their approach more effectively to their school's framework. Dr. [...]
Tuesday afternoon classes are offered for Grades 3 – 7. These weekly classes are in-person and will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. beginning with a kosher [...]
An introductory class to Jewish life, learning, ritual, and thought for those interested in joining the Jewish people or just learning more about their tradition. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, choir and lay leaders welcome you to our sanctuary for an engaging Sh'mini Atzeret services including Yizkor and the dedication of Memorial [...]
Come experience one of the most joyful holidays of the year as our CSZ Village gathers for an evening of celebrating Torah! Dinner, hakafot, children’s [...]
Join Rabbi Aaron Starr, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen and Ritual Director Saul Rube in the CSZ Beit Midrash for refreshments and a relaxed discussion before the Shabbat morning service begins. [...]
Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service. [...]
Immediately following Shabbat lunch please gather in the Bernstein Chapel for a quick Minchah service including Torah reading. Helping to join the minyan will ensure [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel, [...]
Introducing…. Village Tots- CSZ’s Baby and Me class for our youngest learners. Join Morah Lindsay Mall on Sunday mornings 11/19 and 12/17 at 10am for [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
Jim Berk hosts participants in person at CSZ for gentle stretching and exercises. Cost: $5.00 per person per session, payable directly to Jim Berk at [...]
Tuesday afternoon classes are offered for Grades 3 – 7. These weekly classes are in-person and will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. beginning with a kosher [...]
An introductory class to Jewish life, learning, ritual, and thought for those interested in joining the Jewish people or just learning more about their tradition. [...]
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein [...]
We are thrilled to have Jonathan Tobin join us for the weekend of activities: Friday, November 1, 2024 6:00 p.m. Lively musical T.G.I.S. service 7:00 p.m. Shabbat [...]
Please join the CSZ Clergy and the T.G.I.S. players for a musical Kabbalat service to welcome Shabbat. Online prayer books are available for you to [...]
We are thrilled to have Jonathan Tobin join us for the weekend of activities: Friday, November 1, 2024 6:00 p.m. Lively musical T.G.I.S. service 7:00 p.m. Shabbat [...]
Join Rabbi Aaron Starr, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen and Ritual Director Saul Rube in the CSZ Beit Midrash for refreshments and a relaxed discussion before the Shabbat morning service begins. [...]
Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service. [...]
Immediately following Shabbat lunch please gather in the Bernstein Chapel for a quick Minchah service including Torah reading. Helping to join the minyan will ensure [...]