Events - 18 Aug 24

Sunday Morning Minyan
Sunday, August 18th @ 08:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel, followed by breakfast and chat. You may also join on Zoom. Online prayer books are available for you to follow along with our minyan, thanks to...
Judaism for Women
Sunday, August 18th @ 10:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Discover the profound connection between Jewish women and ritual observance with our enlightening program. Sessions are being co-taught by Rebecca Starr and Hazzan Devorah Tucker-Fick and are held at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. Dive deep into the rich traditions and practices that have empowered women throughout generations, exploring both traditional and progressive...
Sunday Evening Minyan
Sunday, August 18th @ 05:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging evening minyan in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel.  You may also join on Zoom.  Online prayer books are available for you to follow along with our minyan, thanks to the Rabbinical Assembly! We utilize Siddur Sim Shalom....