
Events - 27 Aug 24

Morning Minyan with Breakfast
Tuesday, August 27th @ 07:30 AM
Bernstein Chapel and Zoom
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel followed by a light breakfast and chat.  You may aslo join on Zoom.  Online prayer books are available for you to follow along with our minyan, thanks to...
In-person Evening Minyan
Tuesday, August 27th @ 05:30 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging evening minyan in the Bernstein Chapel.    You may also join the service on ZOOM  Online prayer books are available for you to follow along with our minyan, thanks to the Rabbinical Assembly! We utilize Siddur Sim Shalom....
A Bintel Brief
Tuesday, August 27th @ 07:00 PM
A Bintel Brief is a unique reader’s theatrical production of a book entitled A Bintel Brief, based on an advice column published in the Yiddish speaking newspaper during the early years of heavy Jewish immigration to the United States. Join for this exciting production! Tickets - $10 each.