
Events - 7 Dec 24

Timely Torah: Insights from the Weekly Torah Portion
Saturday, December 7th @ 09:00 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Join Rabbi Aaron Starr, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen and Ritual Director Saul Rube in the CSZ Beit Midrash for refreshments and a relaxed discussion before the Shabbat morning service begins. We will use traditional and contemporary commentaries on the weekly Torah portion to mine our sacred scripture for wisdom, truth, a better understanding of the...
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, December 7th @ 09:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service.  Following services, we join together for a festive Shabbat lunch! You may also join our services on Live Streaming Online prayer books are available for...
Shabbat Lunch
Saturday, December 7th @ 12:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Put Your Best Brain Forward – Shabbat Afternoon Discussion
Saturday, December 7th @ 01:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Gather at Jewish Senior Life and pre-game with us over a complimentary pizza lunch. We will then join together with our senior friends and assemble 200 gift bags filled with candles, dreidels, cards, and treats! Our “Chanu-kits” will be distributed by Jewish Family Service to metro-Detroit families in need! Chanukah...
Shabbat Minchah
Saturday, December 7th @ 01:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Immediately following Shabbat lunch please gather in the Bernstein Chapel for a quick Minchah service including Torah reading.  Helping to join the minyan will ensure that all CSZ members saying Kaddish for a loved one will be able to do so.  
07 Dec
Saturday, December 7th @ 05:47 PM
Havdalah Service
Saturday, December 7th @ 05:57 PM
The CSZ clergy help us say goodbye to Shabbat and hello to the new week. Bring your favorite beverage and click HERE to join us online, then remain for a schmooze and a few minutes of fun learning, a niggun, or a soulful story to start the week!