
Events - 4 Jan 25

Timely Torah
Saturday, January 4th @ 09:00 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Before the Shabbat morning service begins, join us in Hermelin Hall for coffee and a relaxed in-person discussion based on traditional and contemporary commentaries on this week's Parashah.
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, January 4th @ 09:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and Gabbaim welcome you to an engaging morning service for Shabbat in-person in the Sanctuary.   You may watch the Services on our high-definition Live Stream. This week we read ______. _______ will deliver the sermon. You may also join our services on Live Streaming. We utilize Siddur Sim...
Saturday, January 4th @ 10:00 AM
Brodsky Tikvah Chapel
Join us every Shabbat morning for songs, prayer, games, challah and grape juice snack, and fun with your Shul friends. Open to the congregation and the community. Activities for kids ages 0-12.
Shabbat Lunch
Saturday, January 4th @ 12:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Shabbat Minchah
Saturday, January 4th @ 12:45 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Shabbat Minchah with Torah reading and Aliyot will happen in the Bernstein Chapel immediately following Shabbat Lunch. You may also join the live stream 
04 Jan
Saturday, January 4th @ 06:00 PM
Havdalah Service
Saturday, January 4th @ 06:10 PM
The CSZ clergy help us say goodbye to Shabbat and hello to the new week. Bring your favorite beverage and click HERE to join us online, then remain for a schmooze and a few minutes of fun learning, a niggun, or a soulful story to start the week!