Events - 21 Jan 25

Morning Minyan
Tuesday, January 21st @ 07:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging morning minyan in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel including a few minutes of learning with Ritual Director Saul A. Rube on Torah Tuesdays. Followed by a light breakfast and chat.  You may also join on Zoom. ...
A Rabbi, a Priest, and a Patriarch
Tuesday, January 21st @ 12:00 PM
Jews and Christians alike consider themselves the Children of Abraham, yet each faith tradition understands the legacy of the patriarch in its own ways. Who was Abraham and what lessons might we derive separately and together from calling ourselves the Children of Abraham? Join Rabbi Aaron Starr of Congregation Shaarey...
Religious School
Tuesday, January 21st @ 05:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Tuesday afternoon classes are offered for Grades 3 – 7. These weekly classes are in-person and will run from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. beginning with a kosher dinner. Student learning periods feature Hebrew language learning, T’filah (prayer) leadership, holiday learning, tzedakah projects, and occasionally, our students join our congregational minyan! 
CSZ Sportsman Group
Tuesday, January 21st @ 05:30 PM
Shooters Lane
Meet at Shooters Lane. Dinner to follow at Gino's. RSVP to Mel Chinitz at:
Journeys: An Introduction to Jewish Learning and Living
Tuesday, January 21st @ 05:30 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
An introductory class to Jewish life, learning, ritual, and thought for those interested in joining the Jewish people or just learning more about their tradition. Classes will take place on Tuesday evenings beginning September 10th and will continue through May 2025.  
Minchah & Ma'ariv
Tuesday, January 21st @ 05:30 PM
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging evening minyan in the Bernstein Chapel.  Ritual Director Saul A. Rube teaches a new lesson each week on Torah Tuesdays.  You may also join the service on Zoom. We utilize Siddur Sim Shalom. It is recommended that you...
"Ben-Gurion, Epilogue" Movie Screening and Dinner
Tuesday, January 21st @ 06:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
In the depths of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev archive, six hours of interview footage was discovered of one of modern history’s greatest leaders – David Ben-Gurion. It is 1968, and he is 82 years old, five years before his death. His introspective soul-searching provides a surprising vision for...