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MDA “First Seven Minutes” Training – Responding to a Mass Casualty Event

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 1 Tammuz 5783

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Time and knowledge play a crucial role in saving lives during the first few minutes of an incident. Actively acting within the chaos and maintaining a calm attitude will help your fellow community members. Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s National EMS Organization, has years of experience in treating wounded and managing multiple casualty incidents (MCI). Therefore, we feel that it is our obligation to share this knowledge and experiences worldwide. The "First 7 Minutes" is a unique seminar designed by Magen David Adom to enrich the greater worldwide community’s knowledge of MCIs, and contribute to saving lives everywhere. The seminar capitalizes on basic steps which any person can take empowering community members and enabling them to save lives in times of need.

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