Shabbat Morning Services

November 2, 2024    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service. 

Following services, we join together for a festive Shabbat lunch!

You may also join our services on Live Streaming

Scholar-in-Residence Jonathan Tobin will speak during services on Contemplating with courage the possible end of our world(s)
Journalist Jonathan Tobin probes the way Jewish texts teach how to deal with ever-present threats to the planet, the existence of the Jewish people and everyday living. Whether it is a world-ending flood, a genocidal terrorist war against the Jews or potentially life-ending challenges to personal health, individuals must find a way to live in a world in which their Creator can pull the plug on them and do so in a way that honors the Jewish past, values, faith and posterity.