Today @ CSZ

We encourage everyone to join us for our services and programs. For regular daily minyanim please enter through the newly remodeled Lester Entrance Plaza. Either enter the code on the keypad or press the button on the Ring camera. 

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024 ~ 21 TAMMUZ, 5784

Morning Minyan – 7:30 a.m. – Bernstein Chapel with Breakfast
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbaim welcome you to an engaging morning minyan, including the opportunity to say Kaddish.  You may also join on Zoom.

Tot Shabbat in the Woods – 5:30 p.m. – Scotia Park
Come celebrate Shabbat n Huntington Woods with a fun, energetic, clergy led Tot Shabbat! Bring a picnic dinner. We’ll supply the challah and cookies! Open to the community for families with babies and young children.

Kabbalat Shabbat with Hazzan  –6:00 p.m. – Bernstein Chapel
You are invited to turn off your TV, come hug your community, and pray for our brothers and sisters in Israel. There will be a small Oneg Shabbat in the Weisberg Lobby and you will make it home in time for Shabbat dinner with the family. You may also join on Zoom 

SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2024 ~ 22 TAMMUZ, 5784

Harold and Nancy Finkel marking the Yahrzeit of Harold’s father Bernard Finkel

Leslie and Julian Kutinsky in honor of their 60th anniversary

Melissa and Larry Lax in honor of their 50th Anniversary

Paul and Roberta Ingber marking the Yahrzeit of Paul’s father, Abe Ingber and in honor of Paul’s birthday

Joanne & Michael Rowe and Stephen Korn marking the Yahrzeit of their mother, Eleanor Korn.

Diane and Randall Orley in honor of the baby naming of their granddaughter Georgia Goldman

Barbara Heller marking the Yahrzeits of her parents Harry Arthur Heller and Virginia Heller

Paul and Roberta Ingber marking the Yahrzeit of Paul’s father Abe Ingber and uncle George Ingber

Timely Torah with Rabbi Aaron Starr – 9:00 a.m. – Hermelin Hall
Before the Shabbat morning service begins, join us for coffee and a relaxed in-person discussion based on traditional and contemporary commentaries on this week’s Parashah.

Shabbat Morning Services – 9:30 a.m. – Sanctuary
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and Gabbaim welcome you to an engaging morning service for Shabbat in-person in the Sanctuary.   You may watch the Services on our high-definition Live Stream. This week we read Parashat Pinchas.  Rabbi Aaron Starr will deliver the sermon.

Family Shabbat Experiences – 10:00 a.m. – Brodsky Family Tikvah Chapel
Join us every Shabbat morning for songs, prayer, games, challah and grape juice snack, and fun with your Shul friends. Open to the congregation and the community. Activities for kids ages 0-12.

Shabbat Minchah – 1:00 p.m. – Bernstein Chapel
Finish your Shabbat lunch then join us in the Bernstein Chapel for a very quick Torah service. Please stay at shul for a few more minutes to help those in mourning say Kaddish for their loved ones. 

Shabbat ends at 9:46 p.m.

Havdalah with Rabbi Yoni Dahlen at  9:56 p.m. – On Zoom only
Help make a minyan for those saying Kaddish as we say goodbye to Shabbat, and welcome in a sweet new week. Bring your favorite beverage and join On Zoom

How to Find…– Services, Events and Digital Links, click HERE.
– Current Shiva / Shloshim List, click HERE
– Yahrzeit lists, click HERE.
– Sermons on YouTube, click HERE.
– How to use Zoom, click HERE.