
How Do We Respond to Antisemitism?

Here are ten responses to the continued rise in antisemitic acts in America:

Attend Shabbat services in person or online. Click HERE for Shabbat information, with times and links.

Light Shabbat candles and recite the blessing. Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, Melekh ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat. Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to light the Shabbat candle[s].

Enjoy a Shabbat dinner, with the accompanying blessings. Click HERE for audio and video help, on our Shul Skills 101 page.

Take your child or grandchild to the synagogue for prayer or for learning. We welcome you to our main service, our Alive! family service, CSZ Religious School, or a wide variety of youth and family services and events. Check our calendar HERE.

Donate to a Jewish cause: for security or, even better, for Jewish living. CSZ has a wide variety of dedicated purpose funds. Click HERE to learn more.

Attend weekday minyan. Click HERE for service times and links.

Engage in Jewish learning. Read a Jewish book. Find Jewish articles from reputable sources. CSZ’s Adult Learning includes Rosh Chodesh Moon Meetings, Timely Torah, Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism, and Read with the Rabbi, to name a few.

Reach out to a non-Jewish friend. Tell the person how the rise in antisemitism is making you feel.

Talk to your children or grandchildren about antisemitism. Even better: Talk to your children or grandchildren about Jewish joy. What do you love about being Jewish?

Travel to Israel. Facilitate others traveling to Israel. Donate to an Israeli cause. Read books about Israel or subscribe to Israeli newspapers. Buy Israeli products. Make Aliyah. Click HERE to learn about the CSZ Israel trip in December 2022!

For more information or support, please contact Rabbi Starr, Rabbi Dahlen, Hazzan Propis, or Ritual Director Saul A. Rube. We are here for you.