
Shabbat Mornings for Young Families

Pray and Play
10:00 a.m. in Tikvah Chapel

Families: Our Tikvah Chapel is open for play time on Shabbat mornings, during services. Use the ramp to the left of the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel. Coffee is provided for adults, who can watch the live streamed service as they supervise their children. Stick around for Shatots! at 11:15 a.m.

Shatots! Bitesize Tefillah for our Littlest Daveners
11:15 a.m. in Tikvah Chapel

The love of Jewish prayer, culture, and identity starts young, and that’s why we do too! Our Shatots service allows for our littlest daveners to embrace the joy of Shabbat with singing, dancing, and stories perfect for babies, toddlers, and families. Join us in Tikvah Chapel after the sermon (approximately 11:15) and stick around for Adon Olam in the main sanctuary with a special Shabbat treat, and then join the rest of the CSZ family for lunch in Orley Hall!  Lunch registration is required by CLICKING HERE please sign up by this Wednesday, December 7th by 12 Noon.