Someday…is Here, CSZ’s Spring Shabbaton

Someday…is Here, CSZ’s Spring Shabbaton

Waiting for that ‘someday’ to jumpstart your Jewish journey? Someday… is here!

Shaarey Zedek’s Spring Shabbaton will change the way you think about prayer, about Jewish learning, and about your place in community.

Do you feel like you could benefit from a spiritual boost? Do you ever put the next steps of your Jewish journey in the “someday” section of your calendar? We’ve all been there. And honestly, many of us are there right now. But for this year’s Spring Shabbaton, we at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, are ready to say that “someday…” is here!

We’ll host CSZ members and our Jewish community for services and events Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26, 2022.

… Take this opportunity to meet your “someday” in unique services, song, and conversation. Come together as we re-imagine…

FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2022
Shabbat Dinner – 6:00 p.m.
Bring the kids and join us for a dairy dinner for the whole family. Together, we’ll say the meal prayers, sing some Shabbat songs, and get to know one another as our Shabbaton officially kicks off!
Cost: $10.00 per adult, $5.00 per child ages 2-12. Click HERE to register.

Evening Services – 7:00 p.m.
Following dinner, refresh your soul with Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv services led by our featured guest, Rabbi Josh Warshawsky.

Kiddush and Kibbitz: Young Professionals Oneg – 8:30 p.m.
Following services, CSZ Village invites young professionals (ages 21-45) to stick around for drinks, desserts, and learning with Rabbi Yoni Dahlen. We are pleased to partner with Moishe House Royal Oak, Reboot and The Well for this, and other experiences during our Spring Shabbaton. Please be our guests at no charge, but registration is requested HERE.

Timely Torah 9:00 a.m.
Grab some coffee and nosh and dive into the sea of limmud (Jewish learning) as Rabbi Dahlen guides conversation on the weekly Torah portion. Reserve your spot HERE.

Shabbat Morning Service and Lunch10:00 a.m.
Re-imagine a service with us as Rabbi Josh guides us through a new way of looking at ritual and song. Shabbat Lunch follows services. Age-appropriate activities for children. Lunch is free but reservations will help us accommodate all who come. Please click HERE to reserve a place at lunch.

FREE CONCERT – 8:30 p.m.
Join us as we conclude Shabbat and welcome in the new week with the renewing magic of Havdalah and a FREE CONCERT, which is also OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. We’ll sit in the round in the CSZ Social Hall, have a nosh, and enjoy the music of Josh Warshawsky and friends. Everyone is welcome, but click HERE to RSVP.

Learn More
For more insight into how Rabbi Josh Warshawsky inspires, click HERE to listen to the interview with Rabbi Josh and Rabbi Yoni Dahlen, read Josh’s bio, and listen to some of his music!

CSZ’s Spring Shabbaton was made possible through the generosity of the Burton A. Zipser and Sandra A. Zipser Foundation