Events - 28 Sep 24

Timely Torah: Insights from the Weekly Torah Portion
Saturday, September 28th @ 09:00 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Join Rabbi Aaron Starr, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen and Ritual Director Saul Rube in the CSZ Beit Midrash for refreshments and a relaxed discussion before the Shabbat morning service begins. We will use traditional and contemporary commentaries on the weekly Torah portion to mine our sacred scripture for wisdom, truth, a better understanding of the...
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, September 28th @ 09:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Shabbat morning we gather in-person in the sanctuary for a participatory, clergy-led service, a triennial Torah reading, a sermon, and songs of the Musaf service.  Following services, we join together for a festive Shabbat lunch! You may also join our services on Live Streaming Online prayer books are available for...
Family Shabbat Experiences
Saturday, September 28th @ 10:00 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Join us each Shabbat morning in the Tikvah Chapel for songs, prayer, games, challah and grape juice snack, and fun with your Shul friends. Open to the congregation and the community. Activities for kids ages 0-12.
Shabbat Minchah
Saturday, September 28th @ 01:00 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Immediately following Shabbat lunch please gather in the Bernstein Chapel for a quick Minchah service including Torah reading.  Helping to join the minyan will ensure that all CSZ members saying Kaddish for a loved one will be able to do so.  
Community Wide Soulful Selichot
Saturday, September 28th @ 08:00 PM
Congregation Beth Ahm
28 Sep
Saturday, September 28th @ 08:00 PM