Events - 28 Oct 24

Morning Minyan with Torah Service and Breakfast
Monday, October 28th @ 07:30 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging weekday morning Torah service, in person in the Lee and Gerson Bernstein Chapel, followed by breakfast and chat. You may also join on Zoom. Join the Zoom room early for a lively conversation Online prayer books are available...
Low-impact Exercises with Jim Berk
Monday, October 28th @ 10:15 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Jim Berk hosts participants in person at CSZ for gentle stretching and exercises. Cost: $5.00 per person per session, payable directly to Jim Berk at the conclusion of each class. For additional information, call the synagogue office at 248.357.5544.
Coffee House October 7th, One Year Later
Monday, October 28th @ 10:45 AM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
It has been one year since the horrific terror attack of October 7th which led to the ongoing war in Israel. Join us for an enriching session of connection, reflection, and shared experiences of Alon Lachman, former Shinshin, and Lior Zisser-Yogev, community Shlicha. Alon will share his personal story and significant moments...
In-person Evening Minyan
Monday, October 28th @ 05:30 PM
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
The CSZ Clergy, lay leaders and digital Gabbai welcome you to an engaging evening minyan in the Bernstein Chapel.    You may also join the service on ZOOM  Online prayer books are available for you to follow along with our minyan, thanks to the Rabbinical Assembly! We utilize Siddur Sim Shalom....