
Congregation Shaarey Zedek

Guidelines for Ritual and Lifecycle Event Inclusion

Congregation Shaarey Zedek pursues the value: “And my house shall be a house of prayer for all people” (Isaiah 56:7).   

We invite people of all faiths and backgrounds to attend and participate in our prayer services and play active roles in family and Jewish communal life.   

The following outline illustrates Congregation Shaarey Zedek’s guidelines on participation as part of religious services including: 


 In our Services, everyone is invited to:  

  • Join the congregation as they stand and sit during services, as they are able. 
  • Sing together with the congregation during communal prayers or songs. 
  • Wear a kippah or other head covering. 
  • Join the congregation in reciting responsive prayers that are read aloud. 
  • Participate in respecting the Torah during the Torah procession. 
  • Have a loved one’s name, of any faith and background, read among the names of the departed who are being remembered. Such names from non-members must be communicated to the synagogue office in advance. 
  • Join in the congregational recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish. 
  • Participate in dancing and singing, including during ritual settings where the Torah is present (e.g. Simchat Torah). 
  • Dedicate a memorial plaque to a loved one. 
  • Participate in all adult learning and family education programs/classes. 
  • Participate in ritual at home that may be celebrated with a member of the clergy, such as affixing a mezuzah during a Hanukat HaBayit or kashering a home. 
  • Be visited when ill by a member of the clergy or congregation. 
  • Lead congregational readings that are universal in nature, such as the Prayer for our Country, Prayer for Israel, Prayer for Open Doors and Open Hearts. 
  • Accompany a Jewish person in opening and closing of the Ark. 
  • Accompany a Jewish spouse, partner, or child who is having an Aliya to the bimah.  Both individuals may be called up for the honor in English: only the Jewish person is called up in Hebrew and may recite the Torah blessings. 
  • Join with family members or other honorees on the bimah leading prayers such as Ein Keloheinu and Adon Olam. 
  • Receive a blessing for an occasion or milestone, as appropriate. 

In our Services, Jewish people are invited to: 

  • Wear a tallis or tefillin. 
  • Recite the blessings and perform the rituals for an aliya to the Torah. 
  • Read from the Torah or chant the haftarah. 
  • Lead a prayer service. 
  • Open and close the Ark. 
  • Carry, lift, and dress the Torah. 
  • Carry and hold the Torah during processionals and/or dancing. 
  • Count in the minyan.

Life Cycle Events

Everyone can: 

  • Participate in pastoral counseling with clergy. 
  • Participate in the life cycle events of their children, following these guidelines. 
  • Share life cycle events in community announcements. 
  • Join in the Bnai Mitzvah experience for their children. 
  • May request clergy participating at a funeral or unveiling with Jewish and/or non-sectarian elements. 


Jewish People may: 

  • Be named at a Simchat Bat or Brit Milah in the synagogue. 
  • Be married in the synagogue. 
  • Have a funeral, memorial service or condolence meal in the synagogue.