B’nai Mitzvah take place throughout the year on Shabbat morning in the main sanctuary and the small chapel. Havdalah B’nai Mitzvah are also offered in our Lee and Gerson Bernstein chapel. We are pleased to set the date of your child’s Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah any time between six months after your child’s seventh birthday up to 18 months before the occasion.
To learn more, including dates and tutoring information, contact Ritual Director Saul Rube.
Students in our Religious School are offered the opportunity to study online with B’nai mitzvah tutors, including how to write a D’var Torah and how to pick a mitzvah project, on Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. For more information, contact Devorah Glanz at dglanz@shaareyzedek.org
Our clergy will make an adult B’nai Mitzvah possible for all those who wish to study. Please contact our clergy for more details.